Gnarly street spots


Steel Member
SICK local fayetteville spot.


a huge building foundation that's smoother than a tennis court. it's a foundation spot for sure but it gets trashed a lot. This is the biggest gap there too.

Victor C.

You might have seen those 5 sets in a little unknown scooter video known as Scooteroligy- Matt McKeen.

Its an amazing spot, I love it, the curbs are grindable, there is a 2 foot ledge/5 footer with a ramp that is waxed to perfection just over to the left.

Oh Yeah, I think I recognize it now! Scooterology is crazy. Front board 360 double whip out on like a 7 stair ledge, the whole video is NUTS! And I think this was in his dream team supreme but double fingerwhip the 14? IN A LINE!

EDIT: Yup, It's in Dream Team Supreme. Firecracker a 5, flat wallride, then double fingerwhip a 14.


Steel Member
A couple spots capped while out riding today. Not all of them, but some good ones, for sure.


Hip/bank thing. Not great, fun for downsides and whatever.


Tech granite ledge. Smooth as ----- you can grind either side, obviously the right is easier. It was in one of TomK's videos, I'm pretty sure.


Found a new ledge. It needs a lot of work, the edges are smooth, but the top is that cast crap where it has like a big ridge parallel to the edge about 1 1/2" in. Grinds pretty alright, though, with like 10 minutes of waxing.


Steel Member
Got some more spots, nothing too great.

3 way gap. Over the grass each way, or from sidewalk to sidewalk.


Stupid little loading dock with a bank thing down on the side you can jump up from or down to, or just drop straight off on either side.


Steel Member
I thought you lived in washington? did you visit north carolina over the summer or somthing?

He lived here for a couple years, he just moved to Washington at the end of last summer. If you watch a bunch of his earlier videos, plus the ones of Dorian and Diego you'll see a lot of the spots I've posted.

Grant Schofield

Silver Member
oh ok i saw that granite ledge and immediatly looked at where you live and i was like north carolina? i thought Tom lived in washington haha