Gnarly street spots



this is my friend dyllan, a skater (obviously) that I ride with

I ride this spot like everyday, it's in all my videos, it is sooo fun.

they recently repaved the ground so the whole slant is smooth blacktop, it is sooo nice


dargersaurus rex
from the 951 pic thread

Nick Darger 951 said:
its in riverside, like less then a mile from hunt skatepark. where the comp was last year. its so fun and the guy who owns it doesnt care if you keep it clean

i dont know the adress but it is on duncan ave and pershing dr. like right off van buren. you can see it on mapquest. its got a huge lot and you can see the pool


I own SR.
Nick Darger 951 said:
from the 951 pic thread

Nick Darger 951 said:
its in riverside, like less then a mile from hunt skatepark. where the comp was last year. its so fun and the guy who owns it doesnt care if you keep it clean

i dont know the adress but it is on duncan ave and pershing dr. like right off van buren. you can see it on mapquest. its got a huge lot and you can see the pool
K, I'm gonna post in the 951 thread.
So i'm spoiled and get to go to sick spots now since I skate with some really cool guys who take me to the spots


Pretty much a sick spot for skaters and scooters, its to big for a bike and rollerbladers would just die trying to ride it

Fun for days if you skate, I took scooters there before and they didn't like it that much

street quarter pipe thing that i'm going to this weekend

another spot in Tucson I'm going to.

I know a lot more, I don't feel like looking for photos tho