Max Muir said:
question: when you are putting the compression system on, how do you get the bolt lined up so that it threads into the starnut in your bars?
-if your star nut is already is you bars.. just feel around with the bolt. and when you feel the center of the star nut they gently spin the bolt. you will feel it catch and if it is tight stop and try again. DONT CROSSTHREAD THE BOLT/STAR NUT!!!
if you can feel the nut with the bolt you got a problem... you can try to move the nut down.[if you got buffs take the ada stem off and push the nut all the way threw and out, they try again]
-if your star nut is not in the bars..
-press it in with you hands [keep it straint]
-put your forks on your scooter with out the bars.
-measure the distance between the top of your forks to the top of your headset [compresion ring]
-then put the bolt in the forks and hold the bottem of is so it i centerd. they meauser the distance from the top of the fork to the 3rd thread from the bottem of the bolt.
- add the two measurment together.
-and take the forks off the scooter.
-meause from the top of a 7/8 pipe about 6 inches long, the added distance. they make a mark of some kind.
-they press the star nut in the to bars till you get to that mark. usa a small finsh hammer if you need to.
-do the fisrt part [if your star nut is in the bars]
i hope this makes sence