Riding has helped me in countless ways. I can look back on the last four years of my life knowing that it was spent doing something healthy, fun, and unique. This is not a "omg Matt Dibble is quitting" thread, because I plan to keep riding for a long time. Sure, my frequency of riding has declined since I first started, but the thrill is the same. The amount of fun I get out of every session, the amazing feeling of landing a trick clean, is just awesome.
The real reason for this thread is not to reflect on riding. It is really more to look towards what riding has been able to help you with outside of the sport itself.
First, it has helped me gain SO MANY new friends that there is no possible way that I would ever be able to have met, rode with, hung out with and actually gotten to know on a personal level. I can truly say that at least 5 people I have met through this site or just the sport in itself I have actually established a good friendship with, and if we all quit we could still hang out just as often. Beyond these closer friendships I have met so many people that I could never imagine having such a good time with. I can easily say I've met over 100 people from riding that I would never have known. (This includes everyone from local parks, Virginia and XW people, and just riders from around the country I've had a chance to meet.) Without the simple opportunity I was given by my friends, just to try some bunny hops and 180's, none of that would've happened.
Second, and probably one of the most important things, is that riding has kept me active and away from many other deconstructive activities i could be doing. Mainly drugs. I can say that being involved with a sport like this has actually given me some hard-packed morals that I have chosen to live by for those types of things, and I intend on keeping promises to myself I have made. And, on a somewhat lighter note, I am known here on SR as "the" fat kid. Trying to imagine myself without riding, one of the few things I actually enjoy doing that is exercise, is indescribable. Getting bored + eating would not be a good mix for an inactive kid like me.
Finally, while making many new friends I have been very interested in visiting them. Mainly Vermont, because some of my best friends (BK and Teehale), live up there. During the planning process for the trips i found out that it would probably be easiest to fly. August 8th, 2007 was my first flight to Vermont. There is nothing more to say except all the views were stunning. The images burnt into my head and I can remember them clearly today. Flying many times since then I have gained some experience with airports and flying, and learned how much I truly love travel. Which, finally, brings me to my final and most important point. Riding has actually contributed to me finding out what I want to go to college for, and what career I want to choose for the rest of my life.
I have chosen to be an airline pilot, commercially eventually for one of the regional airlines that you probably take for your travel. This decision is a very important one, that I hope I have taken ample time and consideration into choosing, because the impact and repercussions on my life are immense. This life choice, has been heavily influenced by a sport. A stupid scooter.
Honestly, looking back these four years again, I cannot believe all the changes that have happened, and how much the sport has grown, as well as myself. Looking back, I can see the new friends gained, the right friends lost, and the overall benefits of my life increasing. Looking back, I can see my first ride, and the exhilaration when I thought a pilot might be my choice of career. It's crazy to think about how much scooters have impacted my life.
How has riding impacted your life?
The real reason for this thread is not to reflect on riding. It is really more to look towards what riding has been able to help you with outside of the sport itself.
First, it has helped me gain SO MANY new friends that there is no possible way that I would ever be able to have met, rode with, hung out with and actually gotten to know on a personal level. I can truly say that at least 5 people I have met through this site or just the sport in itself I have actually established a good friendship with, and if we all quit we could still hang out just as often. Beyond these closer friendships I have met so many people that I could never imagine having such a good time with. I can easily say I've met over 100 people from riding that I would never have known. (This includes everyone from local parks, Virginia and XW people, and just riders from around the country I've had a chance to meet.) Without the simple opportunity I was given by my friends, just to try some bunny hops and 180's, none of that would've happened.
Second, and probably one of the most important things, is that riding has kept me active and away from many other deconstructive activities i could be doing. Mainly drugs. I can say that being involved with a sport like this has actually given me some hard-packed morals that I have chosen to live by for those types of things, and I intend on keeping promises to myself I have made. And, on a somewhat lighter note, I am known here on SR as "the" fat kid. Trying to imagine myself without riding, one of the few things I actually enjoy doing that is exercise, is indescribable. Getting bored + eating would not be a good mix for an inactive kid like me.
Finally, while making many new friends I have been very interested in visiting them. Mainly Vermont, because some of my best friends (BK and Teehale), live up there. During the planning process for the trips i found out that it would probably be easiest to fly. August 8th, 2007 was my first flight to Vermont. There is nothing more to say except all the views were stunning. The images burnt into my head and I can remember them clearly today. Flying many times since then I have gained some experience with airports and flying, and learned how much I truly love travel. Which, finally, brings me to my final and most important point. Riding has actually contributed to me finding out what I want to go to college for, and what career I want to choose for the rest of my life.
I have chosen to be an airline pilot, commercially eventually for one of the regional airlines that you probably take for your travel. This decision is a very important one, that I hope I have taken ample time and consideration into choosing, because the impact and repercussions on my life are immense. This life choice, has been heavily influenced by a sport. A stupid scooter.
Honestly, looking back these four years again, I cannot believe all the changes that have happened, and how much the sport has grown, as well as myself. Looking back, I can see the new friends gained, the right friends lost, and the overall benefits of my life increasing. Looking back, I can see my first ride, and the exhilaration when I thought a pilot might be my choice of career. It's crazy to think about how much scooters have impacted my life.
How has riding impacted your life?