It's a fun hobby and it keeps me out of trouble.
thats pretty much what i would sayJ M said:Riding's gotten me back in touch with friends I never thought I would speak to again, I'm keeping out of trouble unless im getting into trouble riding, I've finally found a sport that I am actually progressing with and it's keeping me from becoming fat and lazy.
A scooter may just be a kids toy to some people but to me it's way more than that. In the future I hope to improve a lot and make a heap of friends along the way too.
i am typing up my own and i will post it soon so yeah bro <3.seankane said:i'm not going to really delve into this, but it influenced my friends which influenced my music which influenced my style which influenced my view of myself which influenced where i wanted to go in my life.
so without scooters i probably wouldn't be in philly right now, wouldn't have the friends i do, probably wouldn't get many girls, and definitely wouldn't be as happy.