I don't know what to call this thread.


I got myself banned.
I dont know what to call this thread...

yea omquad post


hate snow though

Big L

Steel Member
I dont know what to call this thread...

Tommy Napolitan said:
i only like snow if you can hunt in it hahha

your lucky at least you have a Woodward in the same country as you, i don't have a indoor park within 6 hours of me, and it sucks, shiiity business


Super Geek
Staff member
I dont know what to call this thread...

I was browsing on my server account today and i found this old little pic i made ages ago :p



I dont know what to call this thread...

I'm retarded because I had to look at that for more than 2 seconds to see it said "scooters"

Nate Grant

Steel Member
I dont know what to call this thread...

[22:09] OwenMcClureee: but yeah
[22:09] OwenMcClureee: i've been sportin the josh toy look recently
[22:10] OwenMcClureee: black beanie, black shorts, long hair
[22:10] Natedawg1647: he doesn't have that anymore
[22:10] OwenMcClureee: i know
[22:10] OwenMcClureee: now he looks like he stumbled out of a fucking cave
[22:10] Natedawg1647: LMAO!
[22:10] Natedawg1647: LOL


Steel Member
I dont know what to call this thread...

4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan

yeah, im a /b/tard