Mgp general discussion, news and questions [east coast tour info inside]


lol thnx man i will just need 2 get back 2 hervey bay the place where im stayin the skate parks coping sticks out a tad 2 much
We have hours of amazing footage of all the guys plus some big International names. We will post some teasers with a full on DVD to follow pretty soon after.


does anyone know if the mgps are in perth yet im just wondering and if so where is the closest to royal perth hospital, thanx.

nz scoot

that crack was getting so big what was the last trick that snappend it
o and come to wash 2moro or jelly the day after


hey i rang up my local k-mart store and they said they arent shore if they are going to get them in again so some one help me becouse i wont one that bad