i never said that the game is sh--... im sure it is addictive, but from what i can see, the graphics are bad, runescape is crap, world of warcraft is crap, so im guessing minecraft is crap. but addictive games are addictive games, so feel free to pay me out on the fact that i love granturismo 1, and that it is one my fav game besides granturismo 5... thatnkyou very much for your time, im eddie murphy, and GOODNIGHT!If you dislike something, you shouldn't go into it and just say "I think this shit sucks."
If you dont like it, stay out, none of us care or want to know.
i never said that the game is sh--... im sure it is addictive, but from what i can see, the graphics are bad, runescape is crap, world of warcraft is crap, so im guessing minecraft is crap. but addictive games are addictive games, so feel free to pay me out on the fact that i love granturismo 1, and that it is one my fav game besides granturismo 5... thatnkyou very much for your time, im eddie murphy, and GOODNIGHT!
Get a texture pack theni never said that the game is sh--... im sure it is addictive, but from what i can see, the graphics are bad,!
Tits or gtfouser-name just gtfo of this thread seriously.
Mushrooms can lick my balls, i just found a way to get never ending cooked pork chops
currently i have 2 and a half chest full
Mushrooms can lick my balls, i just found a way to get never ending cooked pork chops
currently i have 2 and a half chest full