[moved] pegs? and how to make socket pegs!


Silver Member
AdamArce said:
Reinforcements is like the same thing as having pegs.
Not even close.
Do a crooked grind on reinforcements...

[mitch-baldry said:
hey aaron i been trying to make socket pegs but they just dont work can u make a tutorial or give me some advise on how to make them
You need a size 5/16 socket i think, and a long bolt for the back of pro models, or just a promodel back axle for blades/old a's.
Put the bolt through your socket, and put the wheel on as per usual..

Jordan said:
pegs can be sick. i use one on the front, can't use it well during the winter though...but i can do like toothpick 270 outs, toothpick to bars, toothpick grinds on my rail and stuff.

Tits or gtfo.
Na, i believe you strangely, i'd love to see a peg vid from you jordan, it'd be so sick, get to it! :)


I own SR.
i got front pegs welded to my sr fork i can whip tooth pic bar tooth pick tooth to bar tooth to whip yea i love front pegs

- murphy
i use front pegs a lot more than back its because when i has my tank micro the deck i could use as a peg but a peg at the front would line it up perfect for double peg grinds but now i have a JD so i need on at the back and front, but i love front pegs too much.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
i ran a back peg wayyyy back in the day for icepicks on my sub box and grind rail, then i ran front ones for tooth picks, then i ran both. there fun but it sucks when you move around alot goin fakie bc if you lean you fall. and they kill axles allll day:p


Steel Member
yea i just got qsc pegs and they r soooooooooooooo sick and they lik 18 buck for a pair


i like em but they keep coming undone and fucking up my scooter if i find a good peg id love to run it thoguht they are so fun but i always eat shiht when i fakie with them even when they r short


Silver Member
Am i the only one who can fakie with pegs..?
I have these perfect sockets, never come undone, and i need to go and steal some high tensille bolts from bunnings, high tensile + sockets = <3333


Mitch Baldry
Ryan Keong said:
i like em but they keep coming undone and fucking up my scooter if i find a good peg id love to run it thoguht they are so fun but i always eat shiht when i fakie with them even when they r short

i got an alright front peg on atm get a back axle from an old scooter and get wheel spaces or sropout spaces and put them along it its easy and u dont need to buy anything and is pretty strong tooo

and aaron how do you make socket pegs i been trying for ages but i ksut cant get it and what sized socket do you need and what bolts?

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
im definitely going to try this out. maybe some flat/tech stuff instead of grinding? i have a few ideas...


Bronze member
these look pretty legit