damn i saw this on youtube which led to vimeo, i searcheds for the thread so i could give my opinion.

luke: your part insane man, loved it. soo good
only slight, i do mean slight, down falls were that i thought the song chioce could have been better, the editing could have been better and the filming was a tad dodgy.
but dont get me wrong, it was great!! high reccomend people to watch it!! <3

rob: seen the clips before man, but that didnt stop me enjoying it, it was so good man, your balance is so damn good on a fornt wheel and in fsf's an scooter fakies.
i did think it was a tad sketchy though, but it didnt really matter when your doing tricks like that <33333

joe mcdonald, chris massey: tbh i thought they could be better , but man after more evaluation joes well good at airs

sam: killed it man, even though ive seen the clips already haha. loved it you liek your tuck no handres dont you >< haha, nah there sick. well done sam <3

onyl one bit of street in the video haha :(
scootsteve said:
damn i saw this on youtube which led to vimeo, i searcheds for the thread so i could give my opinion.

luke: your part insane man, loved it. soo good
only slight, i do mean slight, down falls were that i thought the song chioce could have been better, the editing could have been better and the filming was a tad dodgy.
but dont get me wrong, it was great!! high reccomend people to watch it

and luke y didnt u have your quad whip air in it


Skatehut video
Overall it was a shit video, I mean, where the hell was the JDBen!?!? We all want JDBEN!!!
No but in all seriousness, you could probably get onto the real team, I get what you're saying, except your just such a fucking ass about it. I can see why Luke kicked you off.

He hasn't got any new clips cause he is just way too dedicated to TSG
Luke, I didn't care about your section, I knew it'd be full of stupidly good stuff anyway
Rob, didn't watch your part, it was recycled
Oli, you got my hopes up when it said Oli cause I was like omg its THE oli. But no it wasn't
Ben harris was good
Other guys yeah


Bronze member
right the video yeah i know isnt the best also graham i know you editied sams part i know y your are abit anooyed but sam sent it to me and said i could use it also jdben i am going to be sorting the team and all that out i just need to think of some ideas.