BST Moderator
Staff member
^ideas for what? i already got kicked off the team i couldnt care less, but whatever,just have people sorted in order of --->skill<---


Bronze member
ben you were a guest not on the team lol

kk graham i just didnt want you to be annoyed

graham edited sams rob edited his and i pretty much edited the rest of it

Tom Affleck

nah its just that you had a fat go at luke for bein kicked off the team
and then you where like yeah i dont give a crap about being on the team

and lol sam ...
sam: helllo
ryan: *shouts some random shit*
tom: your black
sam: yeah
tom: yeah inabit *hangs up*


ill be on the team luke. just saying

and i got roterwhips nearly over are box
bars back :D can do them over anything again
bar into quarters
whip late bars
scooter fakies :D:D so easy
spine to manny 180 out of manny fakie whip half cab bar out
trucks flat
manny to whip
manny to bar
just watched the skatehut video .
pretty sickk
luke wtf i didnt realise you were so good :O:O sick 360 bris and stuff ,
sam you ride so clean and i love your no handers
and i didnt really watch anyone else that closely ,
and cant remember who it was , but they had to many flat clips of hang fives , i got kinda bored of that bit sickk hang fives tho
and yeh so sickk videooo

and yehh i learned finger whips
almost got doubles flat got toes
triple whip flyout
double whip air everytime
and almost 540 flat :D :D like 90 off haha

Tom Affleck

Tom Affleck said:
nah its just that you had a fat go at luke for bein kicked off the team
and then you where like yeah i dont give a crap about being on the team

and lol sam ...
sam: helllo
ryan: *shouts some random shit*
tom: your black
sam: yeah
tom: yeah inabit *hangs up*
double whip airs, only landed 5 cleanly but i land 1 footed every time
tuck no hand airs more extended
1 foot inverts and inverts
turndown airs just under clicked
360 tuck no hands cleanly and fully extended
and 360 whips caught cleanly

Tom Affleck

Cameron Mahon said:
double whip airs, only landed 5 cleanly but i land 1 footed every time
tuck no hand airs more extended
1 foot inverts and inverts
turndown airs just under clicked
360 tuck no hands cleanly and fully extended
and 360 whips caught cleanly
lmfao, it dont make sence
cos you landed 1 footed every time but you landed 5 with both feet
Tom Affleck said:
Cameron Mahon said:
double whip airs, only landed 5 cleanly but i land 1 footed every time
tuck no hand airs more extended
1 foot inverts and inverts
turndown airs just under clicked
360 tuck no hands cleanly and fully extended
and 360 whips caught cleanly
lmfao, it dont make sence
cos you landed 1 footed every time but you landed 5 with both feet

okay i landed 5 with both feet but every other one i did was landed with one foot on the deck only


Ryan...Scott said:
ill be on the team luke. just saying

and i got roterwhips nearly over are box
bars back :D can do them over anything again
bar into quarters
whip late bars
scooter fakies :D:D so easy
spine to manny 180 out of manny fakie whip half cab bar out
trucks flat
manny to whip
manny to bar
