
Bronze member
nah i cant get any lifts anywhere and atm i have no money

and the trin to flitwick has 3 changes form swindon i think or 2 idk i checked it yesterday i think i might get a lift near flitwick then catch a train abit more easy
today i went to the portable skate again in harrogate.

i learned to do a 180 barspin to whip :) on a quarter
i nearly got a 180 finger whip
and nearly got a whip rewind
i did land a dub heel whip so its alreet.. :)

then i went to this pretty big 6 set,
which i jumped,
then whipped,
then barspined,
then 180ed,
and then heel whipped , all first go innit bled tom


Steel Member
LMAO at that wanker
that wank bmxer
like on that yellow bike
and that dickend with the gay pink flowery boxers
"get a fucking bike"
"why would i want a bike?"
"cos it's better than that shit"
"how do you know?"


lmao tom

There was this kid, who reckons riding your forks backwards makes them stronger. ollolololol
and he wanted metalcores and rf bars and he couldnt do anything =/