Tom Affleck

silly people these days
there was some noob today at corby, he locked his mech, and the bolt behind his headtube fell out, and he like almost cryed, i said to him just ride it without the bolt
what a pleb

and i bar to whipped the step up in the street at corby, FINALLY
and bar to whip 180 air from quarter to flatbank in street
and bar to dub whip flyout

and yeah will do luke


Bronze member
today i was riding vert 12foot at bath jon knows how big it is i learned lipslides feeble grinds and invert and tailwhip airs.

here is what chris flimed not all the tricks but i did do them i shall try get it another time as i bailed and brusied my entire left shin by landing low/near enough flat on a 180 bri, didnt get it on flim lol.
thats mad luke! nice one

at corby

I trippled whipped the new spine
trucked the street stepup
bard the first step up on the wave section
feeble truck in 1ST TRY! lol
fingerwhiped the new spine
really close to bris now
i quad whipped the last box at on the wave section and mark webb shouted "thats shit"
i got a fat air on the mini next to the new spine
i bared the box in the street section
double bared the stepup in the street section.

And i beat Tom at a game of scoot BUT he started on SCOO

i think this is my highest air, its still not very high tho :(
GayDreuBEN said:
thats mad luke! nice one

at corby

I trippled whipped the new spine
trucked the street stepup
bard the first step up on the wave section
feeble truck in 1ST TRY! lol
fingerwhiped the new spine
really close to bris now
i quad whipped the last box at on the wave section and mark webb shouted "thats shit"
i got a fat air on the mini next to the new spine
i bared the box in the street section
double bared the stepup in the street section.

And i beat Tom at a game of scoot BUT he started on SCOO
You can quad whip the last box at corby which is massive but you cant bri? whaa
luke painter said:
today i was riding vert 12foot at bath jon knows how big it is i learned lipslides feeble grinds and invert and tailwhip airs.

here is what chris flimed not all the tricks but i did do them i shall try get it another time as i bailed and brusied my entire left shin by landing low/near enough flat on a 180 bri, didnt get it on flim lol.

fuck i was there saturday and sunday

yer its soo big


pretty happy 2days ago on my trampscoot i lernt bartwist

today on my tramp scoot
i got:
double bartwist :D
bar to bartwist
whip bartwist thing roter twist
gonna put my wheels on and try them flat
bartwist flat i mean :D