I landed nose grab hip and some random thing were you hop in on your right foot ride up the quarter with the same foot whip flyout with that foot then land the whip with my left foot , yes I got bored today haha
this is the amzing jack eldridge that reubens been going on about :)

and this is poo me lol

edit: sorry about the tiny size ima retard
plus im gonna upload some videos of jack later
if i can find my camera lead

Tom Affleck

the other day we where all cochin at the skatepark, and i snapped my deck and i went on my mates scooter, and in about 20 minuets i got:

bri airs
bri airs on flatbank
bri flat one footed
and close to bri late whip flyout
double footed scooter fakies, double footed fakie scooter fakies (lol)
cali sliders haha they are so fun.
long and really good balanced hang5s on homemade deck
sickkk luke, u should film that trick where u bar(i think) over the box to grind that ledge, i cant really remember exactly wat it was, u no wat i mean