
Rob Parkinson said:
sick stuff cant wait for cs vid, any news on that yet
Yeah, its in the process of making, it's more than half done now - I have footage from everyone (except Chad and Andy, who have broken their fork/broken themselves)


how does someone get a clip of footage from a video camera with digital memory onto the comp?
my friend filmed me ages ago doing a stall on a thing to 180 whip out, but its been on his camcorder for yonks and he doesnt know how to get it off in one clip.


Chad MacLean said:
how does someone get a clip of footage from a video camera with digital memory onto the comp?
my friend filmed me ages ago doing a stall on a thing to 180 whip out, but its been on his camcorder for yonks and he doesnt know how to get it off in one clip.
The camera should have a USB or FireWire you can put in the computer
well 1st time ridin since corby a week n a bit ago so didnt do much jst practised catching rewinds n got rewinds 2 half bar 1 foot i dnt think i will land full bar eva :(


went to bridlington skatepark yesterday and landed 1 720, i got 270 hips, bar the box, downside grind. havnt been riding for 3 weeks or so lol.
lol kurtis, ive realised something this sounds pretty gay probably but it seems that everyone outside uk is negative towards me, im saying that i hate almost every1 on this site apart from the uk people!! they never moan at me lol :)


lol cooltastic!
i learned barspin hop into the mini, so hopefully opened up a new set up tricks to learn.