Rode my scooter for once in like 3 weeks the other day. Front bris every try, way easier than normal bris somereason. Got my whip to bars and bar to whips pretty easy, Feebled 8 foot.
i havent said much in this thread recently so here we go:

tripple whip
finger whip
180 bri flip
540 quaters
higher air outs
higher with my whips on quaters
same as above but with a barspin
manual across this weird funboxy thing
360 fly out at my park which is really hard to figure out.
this hip at my park
diasters almost mastered
tire taps sometimes
opposite feeble opposite jump in
opposite feeble to 270 in
feebles everytry
bar to feebles almost every try
fakie downside whip out
fakie half cab to manual off a curb
better fakies(no hops)
dub whip off curbs consistantly
whips to manuals more often
whip to manual to barspin out
bar to manual to whip out.
and on my newly caclamed MGill rail:
grind the whole thing within haveing it for a day
grind to whip out
grind to bar out
bar to grind
manual to grind
and grind to fakie

all this within just under three weeks :D !lol


Steel Member
Graham Kimbell said:
I don't get how you can 540 air but only sometimes can do tiretaps and stuff like that
lol ok. i can't tiretap lol
bad considering everything else i can do, i just dont see how there possible?
I cant tiretap any more on scooter, I used to be able to like bar to tiretap to barspin in tiretap to whip in but now i just cant lol. Since i learned them on bikes i cant do them on scoot anymore :S
yes as in u hop out land on ur back tire then hop back in = easy as fooooooooooooooooooooook!! which is y rob wtf i swear i have seen u do 1 ? hmmmmmm actully i duno !!


Some of your stuff sounds pretty nice, i cant get ho you can 540 but not tiretap though.
Lol dont go asking for recognition.
although its good to see someone doing something slightly tech for once.