i got a whip rewind like 6th try, a littl sketchy then did it again and caught the rewind!!! sor'ed!

i nearly got a bar to whip will get one tonight so if you see this edited chances are that i have landed it.
jon both are pretty easy but bar to whips come easier for me, took me ages to learn whip to bars. Rode a little the other night on my freinds scooter, got inverts back and invert airs, front bris easy,bri airs eassssy n lots of other stuff, gonna go get some wider bars next week probs n start riding again.
bar to whip yeeeaaah boi!!!
so clean i started like cheering and smiling in the air cos i knew i was going to land it!! best landing ever, so smooth perfect foot placement

got tripple at my local aswell which is rare 1st try
got a very clean fingerwhip 1st try

couldnt get a whip rewind so i made up for it with a dubwhip flat 1st try!!
psssh corby rat

as you can see from my post above me i have only just landed a bar to whip.

yesterday my friend made a two foot kicker ramp, on which i got a bar to whip off without hoping haha

i also got a whip rewind which i also just learned last week !lol

god im not big headed :)


scootsteve said:
psssh corby rat

as you can see from my post above me i have only just landed a bar to whip.

yesterday my friend made a two foot kicker ramp, on which i got a bar to whip off without hoping haha

i also got a whip rewind which i also just learned last week !lol

god im proud :)
rode my scooter with kurt yesterday for the first time since works sesh, not lost anything but so inconsistant

erm only tried 360dubwhips
doublewhip over flatbank hip
handwhip over box
flat rail
double whip airs
one and 3/4 whip flat
lol i would count the 1 3/4 whip flat as a double, anyway i didnt really learn but done this a few times today.
on a 4ft quarter pipe.
truckdriver to smith stall to feeble stall to tire tap to hop in to manual down and carry on manualing to whip out mmmm
kinda bump double post :(, im learning 720s :), im doing 540 to fakies but i find it pretty hard to spin the last bit, im doing this off a 5ft quarterpipe, im gonna try on 4ft might be better.
180 Briflip just under coping on a 8ft halfpipe on this dudes scooter,
and jumping into full footjam whips dialled on bmx on banks.
Yeah haha I always go on scooters then go back on bmx cos it makes bmx feel so smooth. i learned bars on a mini bike in like 10 minutes, did loads of runs with barspins in and my mate was like hey try barspins on my bmx cos he has got 24 wides lol. Since ive got 28wide it will be very hard, n i just got it like 3rd try. The tricks all mental, they are easy as.