
Steel Member
Tom. said:
Who says its a Cs deck, me graham nor sam dont recall it.
Just like these cs bars, that all the credit is definately going to cs, and same with these decks i guess.
what? i asked you on msn(about the bars) lol. you confirmed it. ill call them rob forman bars from now on then.


Idk, doesnt seem that anyone reffered to them as cs bars anyway lol.
"Rf" bars are more commonly known.
i dont see how theyre endorsing crappy cs though, only with the name.

Jamie N

Jamie N
i can do the shopping trolley.
its where you get of the deck and push the scooter forward on only its back wheel, in the manner of a shopping trolley.
ok guys

i went out to try a new combo

i tried for about 10 mins and didnt get it
it sarted raining but ohhh boy it wasnt any normall rain it is the worst ive seen this year.

i slung on a coat and continued i was no where near for ages, we are talking 20 minutes
then after lots and lots of trys... i stuck it :)

hop to scooter fakie to land in switch to hop to land in normal crossfoot to cross footed bar to land in cross foot to a tailwhip landing normal and roll away

what a mouthful

ive had to change my jeans and my shirt because they were that drenched.

im typing this now with some beefy ear muffs on because im in a conservatry and you have never ever heard such hard rain in all your lifes, its crazy
so is everyone else by the sound of it haha

scooter fakie instaed of bringing it back round to land in normall stance i land in switch stance, from there i switch to land in normall stance cross foot i do a cross footed barspin and then do a cross footed whip but i land with my legs un crossed

get it?? haha



Steel Member
im getting fingerwhips one footed
but they are ugly finger whips
i need help
i hit it after it's in a superman deck grab position, then when it's spun it's about 25miles infront of me, so i have to DIVE for it. i need help =d
Lewis you just need to make shure the deck is below you but just bring it up and hit it round lol im not really any good at explaining them but once you got them theyre really really easy lol.
a few minutes ago i done this
on a 4ft qp...
270 decade to 270 tiretap to noseblunt in
and ive been whoring decades today <333
i learnt decade whip as well
went to my local and got airs over the hip
sooo close to whip rewinds
still cant bar to whip lewis, he knows how fast i can spin the whip.....
ive changed the style i air before i used to delay the 180 in the air but know i do the 180 straight away