Ron Burgundy
I really doubt the occupy wall street protests will change anything besides the number of arrests made that day in a city.
Revolution? Nope.
They aren't asking for a complete change in government, just to rid the government of corrupt congressmen and women and lobbyists.
is november 2012 here yet?
you sir are a fucking absolute retard someone please tell this kid off intill i have too.well if obama wouldn't have spent more money that most of the presidents combined...we wouldn't be in debt.therfore there would be no need for a rebellion but we have a fucktard president.
Sorry haha he is just so dumb to think Obama has control over that were in debt or not. And we were in huge debt before that so it woudnt have mattered at all.Calm down man no need to be so vulgar....I think you need the talk shit thread
All these dumb kids wanting a socialism based society may one day get their dreams come true, and it'll be their worst nightmare. And some of these groups, that's what they're really trying to do.
well people who own businesses create jobs. and capitalism got us to be the most powerful country in the world in only about 150 years. devin, OBVIOUSLY obama signing bills that cost trillions of dollars does not help the debt situation. obviously we were in debt before that, but spending more money that we don't have isn't going to help the situation at alllll haha