Um i bet you couldnt even break an inward fork.Conor Davidson said:Inwards...because Proto is taking too long to release forks.
When will kids realize that Inward's products are garbage. Granted, Razor is worse and that's the only reason people buy them. Proto has been taking a LONG time to release their forks so the demand for aftermarket forks is ski rocketing. That's the only reason Inward is blowing up. They have thick forktubes, and that's the only thing going for them. To anybody that's owned an SR fork, Inward's craftsmenship is god awful. The welds look like hot glue and the legs are never straight. HOWEVER, razor is so far worse, it is indescribable. So anything better than razor is obviously a step up and people will buy them, since nobody else is in the fork game right now. I give major props to Inward, because they stepped up to the plate and supplied a demand. However, there are other bar companies, so Inward's bars...I surely wouldn't get 'em.
and SR forks are an overload of materials.
they are GREAT forks though. but i still saw a totally biaset (sp?) standpoint to proto. and just by the way the legs are perfectly straight on my inward fork.
so dont say a company is garbage until you have ridden it and BROKEN it.
and yes inward bars are not gonna be good. thats obvis