Parts Ideas for a new company.

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something like this (without the blue lines) i didnt make this btw. it's a .psd i found on my computer

Derek Seay

Faction* Not Fraction. This isn't Algebra. Oh, how i hate algebra.

(LONG time from now) He plans on me designing some signature stuff.
Ace Of Spades Line?


I hate "Faction". Please think of somthing better. I already have my own name for a company but I refuse to share it because of copy right standards. But yeah, that SCS looks sweet.


Staff member
5 bolts is unnecessary

Faction is .. a neat name but meh, not really too interesting.

Make bars that are slayer style Y bars with a wee gusset going across both gussets, grips go over the gusset a little bit

+hic compatible
dream bars lol.

decks... footjam happy, light, boxy sides, 4" wide?

Make a legit 3 spoke wheel. That'd be sick.
if you guys do wheels ever


don't really say 5 bolts are unnecessary, they may be, but it's different. not every scs need 4 bolts. imo this is THE best looking scs.
i think u shloud have the bars michael picked out deck they stonger then a district but light then a madd so make a deck thts like the new reventon and make some good wheels

alfie wisker

Steel Member
for the deck make it
intergrated bmx style cups
4.5 wide
20.5 long
box style sides for 50-50

and wee style hic bars or alu baby scs bar :)


Bronze member
bars like nw bars but not like full like nw bars so kinda like wing bars but not that far out so they are a bit steeper so that they are not like wing bars also a deck thats

4-4.25 wide
boxed sides for 50-50's
maybe big F cutout like on the new tsi's but saying F obv for faction
cutouts near where the headset goes like on a revention deck
20 long


Bronze member
if you make decks
4.4" wide
82 hta
boxy sides
have an option for integrated or not
flex holes and spring holes drilled in to save people hassle
that is all
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