thank you jamey and reuben. all the people telling me to shut up about this, learn politics. this is how it goes: if the taxpayers in your town want there money to go towards a skatepark, then they sign. the council is going to know if your doing this on the internet (even if its just 100 sigs), and they will laugh at your face. the council of your town want to know what the people that give them money have to say about it. not joe moe in australia. go around town and get people to sign it. its the only way of being close. you think its just "ill get 5 sigs and omg i have a local!" no. trust me. there is a lot that goes into this. they need to know how much to spend on this, location, insurance, weather or not to charge entrance, what if someone dies, restrictions, security, drug and alcohol abuse in the park, age restrictions, weather or not there are enough people in the town that want this for it to be worth it, and a lot of other bs. this isnt easy and if your trying to get this done good luck. but dont go up to them with an international petition because to them thats a joke.