Spicy McHaggis

Steel Member
"Hey girl im really good at math, check it, You+me-my pants+your mouth/your legs X the number of orgasms i give you= you wanting to fuck me right now yes?"


Bronze member
I like to go straight up to girls with "Hey, you like me, but do I like you?" ...
Confuses them for some moments, makes them laugh...after that everything is easy...


Bronze member
There was a party for an upcoming event (Rafting, MTB/BMX Dirt jump...don't know what else...but there will be more disciplines...)
All in all, party was quiet lame, beside that rafting club (they all wore their team shirts...)
So there are 5 girls in those shirts and it ended with "Oh nice, you girls like rafting? That's cool, I ride kick scooters..."
Oh those faces...could end up with one, but I just went home instead, lame party was ultralame...