How do you like your eggs? Poached, scrambled or fertilised?

If your left leg was thankgiving and your right leg was christmas, could i meet you in between the holdiays?

I'm not too good at algebra, but doesn't U+I = 69?

Pleased to meet you with meat to please you.
Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

Can you empty your pockets because I think you stole my heart.
How much?...

I have candy in the back of my van.

Is it that cold out or are you just smuggling tic tacs?

what? you don't like handcuffs and gags?...

Hey! wanna come back to my place and help me with my internal compression system?

hey jiggles, you ticklish?
had this one used on me haha

"her: hey do you have the time??
me: yeaa its 8:43
Her: do you have the time to take down my number??"

haha clasic


Bronze member
u must be a parking ticket cuz you got FINE written all over you

I'm dissapointed son, 20:49 here (8:49 PM for you americans...), ready to go party...see spicys post in "Pick up line thread..." I'm like...oh let's get another one form the king...and you come in here with this..? Gosh...I can't use that shit in the Croatian language...bleeeh...