PROTO Scooters: TDI & UBS Debut 2010


Bronze member
This man speaks the truth about another man speaking the truth.

this man speaks the truth about another man speaking the truth about another man clearly speaking the truth

plus id like to intellectually add that if andrew broussard made some bars in the same style as his moustache id have a massive trouser extrusion

Eric Magray

Steel Member
Congratulations Andrew, you are without a doubt the most innovative freestyle scooter part engineer/designer. I haven't been on the forum for years but after seeing your video I just had to comment. Not only have you been the biggest contributor to the sport with creation of but even more so now with proto scooters. You are a leader in the freestyle scootering community. Kudos to you on following your passion and becoming successful. =)

-Eric Magray

Alec Taylor

Bronze member
First of all, mad props to andrew for everything. However, idk if anyone else has picked up on this yet. He says its going to be the best price to strength ratio because the decks extruded, this is true as extrusion is amazing value if you get enough made. However, the headtube will be an absolute bitch to manufacture with the sticking out bit, it would need to be almost fully cnc'd which is hugely expensive which contradicts the whole concept and the point of a non welded deck.

Anyone else see my point? Someone correct me if im wrong please, and dont get me wrong, i respect andrew for everything hes done to the scooter scene, so there aint any hating going on :)


Holy shit. I just realized.. how dialled that brake system is... oh wow.
Dude, is there any possibility at all of a MGP style curved headtube?

edit; person above... dude, would he show a cracked bent deck to PROMOTE his new deck?

noooooooo mgp