DAMN FUCKING STRAITNick Granger said:SHUT THE FUCK UP, BITCH. SLLLLLAP!Tyler Wheeland. said:shut the fuck up taylor
your clogging this thread as much as nick
and yeah nick shut your mouth.
unneeded shit
ride for fun<3
but this needs to be fixed. im stating my opinion and yeah im gonna back it up strongly because i dont think its right what hes doing
Tyler Wheeland. said:ITS AN OPINION, which last time i checked CAN NOT be wrong.
thats the only thing i dont get.jules said:Tyler Wheeland. said:ITS AN OPINION, which last time i checked CAN NOT be wrong.
in MY opinion HIS opinion is WRONG
i'm not trying to be some kind of proto groupie but seriously if brian murphy rides this stuff, and it holds up, nuff said
ONE company? ANY company? I mean it can't be that hard to name ONE company doing it better if it's THAT simple right?Nick Granger said:whats to talk about? his parts are breaking way too quickly. wheels break in 2 days, bars in 2 weeks.
You do realize that the "popular website backing my company" IS my company right? The same company that I spent the last 6 years growing? That is like saying "If you hadn't worked your ass off for the last 6 years to build and support a community you are passionate about, PROTO would be nothing." Well NO SHIT captain obvious. I would like to take this moment in time to apologize to everyone for actually having a BUSINESS PLAN when I started manufacturing parts unlike every other kid out there who says "Oh man I'm gonna start a scooter company yea lolz!" who fails shortly after... if they ever even get started in the first place.Nick Granger said:you have a popular website backing your company up. of course youre going to be selling more than anyone else right now. once you take out the hype of SR, proto would be nothing. you just have advertising on your sidethe_SD_local said:Did I ask for your attitude? No. I asked for the name of ONE company. It's not that hard.Nick Granger said:doing it better? its not hard to do it better when all your parts are breaking.
Alex Steezeman said:Look at the SR store, Andrew is trying to sell French ID and Eagle Sport parts, but can't because some other people aren't letting him. I'm pretty sure he's not monopolizing the sport by trying to sell other companies stuff in the SR store, alongside Proto stuff.Nick Granger said:i never bought one, due to weight, money, and now quality.chriSanchez. said:You guys don't understand that YOU would not be where you are right now without Scooter Resource//PROTO scooters. Andrew has done so much to revolusinize* this sport.
Nick/Tyler have you personally ever broken an SR/PROTO part?
and andrew, to the point of you wanting me to tell you one name of a company doing better. no one. why? because nobody can advertise on SR. hello.......monopoly? let other people sell their stuff and we could see these companies expand and truly make the sport grow
Not only do I want you to name ONE company that is doing better (which you already said you cannot) I would also like you to name ONE legitimate scooter company that I have stood in their way. Yea, I am picky about letting kids advertise on SR when they ask me if they can post their Geocities/Freewebs site and use the SR forums to whore and take orders. I even denied Cory advertising for RAD until he got a legit site put together because I knew from my experience that he had a good product and needed a good site if he wanted to be taken seriously. Now he has a "rad" site and his own thread on SR to promote it. Despite numerous complaints I still let Take 2 whore around in the forums because they are on the right track. I have openly supported Inward and have personally contacted them about carrying their products in the SR Store. I have been talking to French ID since January 2008 about carrying their products when they first got into business and I have been talking to Eagle since June 2008 about the same. There are numerous threads of independent designers and manufacturers in the scooter section who have great ideas and I give them props. I mean the SR store has other companies posted in there not to mention it clearly states:Nick Granger said:by not letting people advertise your trying to monopolize your company.
when you go on the SRstore all you see is proto stuff upfront. you have to find the other stuff. hes doing the minimal. by letting everyone advertse their stuff the scooter community would grow so much.
so if andrew is all about progressing the sport, then he would let other companies do their thing.
and he fucked over the dxg thread. way to make the situation better <3
if this website wasnt up proto would be nothing dude hahahaha.Dictionary.com said:mo�nop�o�ly - exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.
You realize in the past I have bartered advertising for free parts and that I have never actually charged anyone a cent? You realize that your entire argument is a bunch of inaccurate assumptions about me and my business when really you are clueless? Have you even READ THIS WEBSITE!?!?! YOU must be the brainwashed one... either that or you are completely BRAINDEAD.Nick Granger said:so andrews about money, not the scooter community?
and he makes that money from us, the riders. hes says he want to progress the sport but how are you doing that buy shutting everyone out? and yes advertising does cost money, but when you have these companies just starting out they cant support that. the sport has to grow more before you do something like that
the_SD_local said:I might have the mustache but I certainly do not have the monopoly.
Trevor N said:![]()
Yes this is the man that bent the slayers. Yes I am a vegetarian. no I am not a hack. no I do not throw my scooter, I find that very immature. I am just a young adult that expected superior quality and was let down. I was told thtat these were supposed to be the strongest bars to date and trusted my money in these bars. not only did the bend ruin my day of riding, it also broke my stock pro model fork. I am hoping that I will get a warranty on these since I am have been riding them for 2 weeks now.
Thanks for your time,
Trevor Noller
Hep Greg said:the_SD_local said:I might have the mustache but I certainly do not have the monopoly.
because most small scooter companies and you are one in the same, you deserve to have access to everything fairly and they deserve to have a chance to grow without having to fight through all the advertisement of proto on here.Josh N. said:what the fankkk. i dont get how andrew is being unfair to the average community member...?