/PROTO Scooters


Josh Young said:
man all the proto stuff looks so legit. like the gold clamps. omg omg omg the logo and what not...... so perfect!!!

you NEED!!!!!!!!!!! to make a video showing like what goes on in the shop and just how things work. a day in the life of buff would pretty much make my life complete! hahaha but no really that would be sooo sick man. im pretty sure that everbody would love to see that. you think that could happen one of these days??!

^^^^^^AGREED!!!! =] Maybe at the end of the video give us a sneek preveiw of some things ur workin on =P


the_SD_local said:
I didn't really like the tank gussets... so I changed them:


:OMG! i want some


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Byron Barger said:
andrew do you have an estimate when the new v.3 forks are coming out?

are they even gunna be v.3s?

since it's now proto the forks will be slightly different and will be the first forks from proto, meaning they'll be v.1 right?


There SR's arent they? And seriously for how much shit hes got out there being ridden I havent seen THAT much of it break. Plus hes pretty damn legit with fixing it.


Not out yet, but I'm pretty sure they'll look like wheels; metal cores and urethane. Maybe a different core design, who knows.