PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107
Little update, nothing fancy, some are pretty old:
Melting Strikers
Scooter Comparison
Chema Cardenas' Scooter
Casey Murphy in the shop.
Elmer Ferrieras chillin' in the shop.
Luis Palacios helps around the shop too.
Riding out back.
Watch Travis Pastranas Nitro Circus this fall on MTV with Matt Mckeen and look for these...
Pile of reTro bars almost ready for heat treat.
We listen to Slayer when we melt slaYers. Seriously.
Hottest brand in the sport.
Lots of parts. This is production...
Professional clothing model.
3 tone color sample.
PROTO XT reviewing WEEs w/ some TSI's hiding in the background...
That's about it for now. Check the news page and the store for some more product updates. Once we settle into the new shop we should have more stuff up and rad updates on the regular.