PROTO scooters


PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107

KyleTolentino. said:
TomKid.ââ??¢ said:
Yeah just chill people,
This thread wasnt put here to whinge and shit, it was put here to Discuss new PROTO stuff, not whine about it.

I fully support Andrew for all he has done and people should be grateful for that.

What would of happened to scootering if it wasnt for Andrew making all these new parts. It would of just died.

Be thankful for what he is making and what he has done cause if he hadnt, i believe most of you wouldnt be riding scooters atm.

Am I mistaken or in a post a while ago you said that you are going to be "bigger, better and cooler then Andew Broussard"?

Nah, someone in Aussie Land hacked my account and posted random shit.
So it was not me :)