PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107
All I'm saying is, that most people have probably never even messed with machine equipment
to cut their forks/bars and are at risk of fuckingg it up. Then when something goes wrong there
going to come bitchin to you Andrew. SCS was awesome and I didn't see any problems with it.
I understand that you want to improve your parts but I say the SCS was well... perfect. I
understand what you mean with the spacers, I'm not stupid. Maybe you should supply the spacers
since they are so cheap so there is no confusion. Just a thought.....
Please do not take anything I say personal, all I did was voice my opinion and I got some feedback.
Some stuff was unnecessary but its whatever. Also, I do not "hate" on PROTO? I own the wheels &
SCS and I love them. So no need to pull that card.
All I'm saying is, that most people have probably never even messed with machine equipment
to cut their forks/bars and are at risk of fuckingg it up. Then when something goes wrong there
going to come bitchin to you Andrew. SCS was awesome and I didn't see any problems with it.
I understand that you want to improve your parts but I say the SCS was well... perfect. I
understand what you mean with the spacers, I'm not stupid. Maybe you should supply the spacers
since they are so cheap so there is no confusion. Just a thought.....
Please do not take anything I say personal, all I did was voice my opinion and I got some feedback.
Some stuff was unnecessary but its whatever. Also, I do not "hate" on PROTO? I own the wheels &
SCS and I love them. So no need to pull that card.