PROTO Scooters: Update Page 107
I am amzed at the stupidity in this thread.
Even when i was just a young lad shittin yellow I knew how a fkin headset spacer worked.
If you are too poor to afford a 25 cent spacer then maybe you pussies could look through your daddys tool box and grab a tape and hacksaw and do it that way.
Seriously ppl are getting dumber and dumber with each generation....
Nice pics andrew, truckload of bars is my fav.
I think there was more i had to say but fkit
I am amzed at the stupidity in this thread.
Even when i was just a young lad shittin yellow I knew how a fkin headset spacer worked.
If you are too poor to afford a 25 cent spacer then maybe you pussies could look through your daddys tool box and grab a tape and hacksaw and do it that way.
Seriously ppl are getting dumber and dumber with each generation....
Nice pics andrew, truckload of bars is my fav.
I think there was more i had to say but fkit