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I ride a lot of different materials. It's a combination of street, park, and my smooth garage. I have luckys right now and their good, but their kind of slow even with good bearings. Which wheels should I get?

I want wheels like luckys but are faster.


Steel Member
How do you get green machines I can't find them. I used to see them all over to. What happened

They stopped making them. They only make the 90mm ones now. sucks cause they were my favorite wheels. faster than hussein bolt. Theres some people that stockpiled them and are selling them on ebay sometimes but its like 40 bucks for one so not worth it.

And yak scats are way better than i expected them to be. I've been putting one to the test as a back wheel. I've been learning a lot of stuff lately that tends to de-hub wheels in no time at all, (tailwhips over spines/funboxes/gaps, double whips flat, bri flips in miniramps, 360's over gaps) and they're holding up just fine.
the 104mm agent oranges are good as a front wheel with a 100mm green machine on the back than u dont stop rolling 90mm agent oranges are crap 90mm greenmachines are good though


Silver Member
Eagles are more likely to chunk from airing and riding vert than on street. They still make kick ass wheels for park though