respect from skaters-bmxers


liltony said:
you act like skater and bmxers dont have forums. ive seen it plenty of time were there talking shit about us and how we snake people. its giving everyone a bad rep. not just people in the same contry
who gives a fuck what they think. Most of the skaters/bikers who talk shit are either 14 year old spoilt little shits who think they are king cack of everything and know more than everyone else, or some self-obsessed 30 year old pricktease who failed high school and works in a car garage. Plus, it's in a forum. Everybody talks shit online, everybody. I can guarantee that more than half of the shit-talkers would keep their cock holsters shut in real life.


Mitch Baldry
Dre said:
liltony said:
you act like skater and bmxers dont have forums. ive seen it plenty of time were there talking shit about us and how we snake people. its giving everyone a bad rep. not just people in the same contry
who gives a fuck what they think. Most of the skaters/bikers who talk shit are either 14 year old spoilt little shits who think they are king cack of everything and know more than everyone else, or some self-obsessed 30 year old pricktease who failed high school and works in a car garage. Plus, it's in a forum. Everybody talks shit online, everybody. I can guarantee that more than half of the shit-talkers would keep their cock holsters shut in real life.

true that and the three most respected scooter riders by the bmx and skating are matt mckeen-terry price and coedie donovan...

James Scown

Steel Member
im chill with like every single person at my local. at other parks most of them respect me because i pretty much know heaps of riders around gold coast/bris.

if they're smart to me i swear at them and get all up in their grill (Y)


at our park any1 just rides because its basically a scooter park now and no1 has try hard not snake and shit cause no1 would really care


Steel Member
Freddy Cacace said:
JDBEN!!! niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

me and Dan P get respect from the coool bikers at edison, they're pretty cool with us. others are fags.
Mostly you...

Cuz i suck. lol


Steel Member
i feebleed this 4 foot box that the bikers were tryinn and they couldnt land it then i got som respect

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Dre said:
liltony said:
you act like skater and bmxers dont have forums. ive seen it plenty of time were there talking shit about us and how we snake people. its giving everyone a bad rep. not just people in the same contry
who gives a fuck what they think. Most of the skaters/bikers who talk shit are either 14 year old spoilt little shits who think they are king cack of everything and know more than everyone else, or some self-obsessed 30 year old pricktease who failed high school and works in a car garage. Plus, it's in a forum. Everybody talks shit online, everybody. I can guarantee that more than half of the shit-talkers would keep their cock holsters shut in real life.
well. i remember thinking scooters were the gayest things in the world. then i met rob and ralph and the showed me respect even though i didn't show them respect. then one of my best friends tried stealing my bike and i remembered how nice they were to me and i was a bitch to them. thats what got me into scootering. because the local scooterers were nicer then my "friends". most people quit other sports for scootering. so how the fuck are we going to get more people into scootering if were going to be bitches to them?


At first when I started riding I was hated on a lot!
Now that I bust out sick combos and shitt I get alot of respect. When I ride park I mostly get respect from Bmxers and when I do street I get a lot of respect from skaters. Only a few pussyy posers hate on me but they suck. I give respect to everyone. Its just who I am. If they hate on me, they will get hated on back. Give me respect then I'll respect you.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
and thats the reason why scootering will always get shit on. did you read the post above you. respect even if they dont respect you. that going to make our fucking sport grow.
I can't stop snaking. Wants to ride all the time! But the only haters, is the classic skaters. Those who've been locals for maybe 10 years. They shit on me and every other person who's riding bmx rollers or scooters. They actually still don't respect the new skaters. FAGgOTS!

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Johan Grunwald said:
I can't stop snaking. Wants to ride all the time! But the only haters, is the classic skaters. Those who've been locals for maybe 10 years. They shit on me and every other person who's riding bmx rollers or scooters. They actually still don't respect the new skaters. FAGgOTS!
then you have no self control or respect at all and you need to stop eating so much candy


I know a bunch of dudes who ride bikes (both bmx and fixed gear) who dig my riding, if you do turndowns and stuff they're really impressed cause they don't think you can do that kinda stuff on a scooter. I was at a park and I did a feeble-manual-noseblunt into a quarter and the bikers there (actual good ones) were blown away, one dude said that he had seen scooters do backflip triple whips and my combo was more impressive. These guys are dudes who film for/ride with all the best riders in Arizona, too.