
Steel Member
Brian Boston said:
I already explained in the chatbox but... if your riding a stock old a/b/pro, take a bolt and put it behind the neck on the folding mech and tighten it up... the neck will stop moving, if thats not enough proof than i don't know whats wrong with your dad. Now reason for putting 3 of your own bolts in is because you can take all of the folding mech guts out of the neck that make noise when you ride, and so you can have nice strong grade 8 bolts in place of the stock razor china bolts that could break while your doing tricks.
the bolts also sto the folding mech from splitting apart/going out sideways!

Eric Magray

Steel Member
zomg are you serious? yous need a video to understand how forks go on?? there is a thread that tells you exactly how to install them. i was even surprised people needed written directions. its the same as a bike.


no i meant the compresion system sorry if you read earlyier into the thread he said hes making one read the page before this one i think, i know what to do i just need a visual to make sure


Steel Member
eric magray said:
zomg are you serious? yous need a video to understand how forks go on?? there is a thread that tells you exactly how to install them. i was even surprised people needed written directions. its the same as a bike.

Yes but there was also a video of how to change why not fork i guess?
Ok so since youtube is doing some maintnince or something it wont let me upload the video. And i dont know how to use vimeo. Any other video websites i can upload it to?

Also I found a new brake. Its like a blade kind of.

"Grip stuff"

"Brake pads"

Thick like a blade.


damn ive been waiting all day for that video lol
what about google video?
damn that things beast but it may squar your wheel since its flat


Bronze member
I just locked my folding mech thanks bri for the how to vid.
LoganRadley said:
odi's, fly rubens, and edwins are the only good bmx grips i find
and you forgot The Shadow Conspiracys
T tube said:
damn ive been waiting all day for that video lol
what about google video?
damn that things beast but it may squar your wheel since its flat

Dont worry youtubes working now, should be up soon. And theres a little dip thing in the brake where the wheel goes so the wheel shouldnt get square i dont think.


arnt you like not spossed to hammer with the screw screwed into the star nut cuz doesnt it stirip it? but good job a little hard to hearand some spots cant see whats happening
Your not suppost to hammer on the fork bolt when its screwed in. I was hammering another bolt and useing the fork bolt to see if it was straight.