Sketchup skateparks

Nate Grant

Steel Member
erik said:
this would be hella fun to ride and really easy to flow... in my opinion



haha i can see stan like gapping from the spine, over the box, and into the hip qp on the other side lol


Super Geek
Staff member
ah sick, just as i thought you would learn to use sketchup you'd post so many ideas.

Hep Greg

ive only been there once.. i just dont feel like trying to make it lol. id rather waste time with my own ideas.


I had the sickest idea for a park and I tried making it in sketchup but it totally did not work at all.. Fuck sketchup. Basically it was a spine and then a tranny to tranny box that was a bit lower in height than the spine obviously, and then it curved around and I was going to put a hip and then some stuff beside the original run, but it would all be encased in bowls. So the spine was a bowl to bowl spine, and then the box was also bowl to bowl, etc., and then the run beside the original run was connected to the original one via spines inbetween the bowls. If someone who is better at sketchup than me would like to make that idea and add their own stuff I think that would be fucking sweet, because I do not know how to use sketchup properly enough to make my idea..

edit: kinda shows the basic idea i started off with but i couldn't figure out a bunch of shit like making a bowl gradually get shallower and mellower.. whatever