Was reading up on apple's latest case on suing samsung 1 billion and trying to stop their sales because samsung violated "patents." Reading further into the internet I found that Apple (who I already hate) are a bunch of butthurt uncreative fuckers who have a steep long history of suing a shit ton of cell phone makers for anything they can. They're literally trying to eliminate all competition and monopolize the industry now that they're finally outclassed and no longer the best selling smartphone. Don't make a better phone, just play scared. They sued makers of android tablets for "rounding the corners of the tablet" because rounded corners are apparently their thing and they did it first. They also sued some type of android phone because it had a "slide to unlock" feature to unlock it. How can they legally have a patent on everything? Jesus Christ, the list gets more ridiculous, fuck all you guys who want to support such a shitty company who doesn't care about their customers, only wants money, and makes an inferior yet overpriced and more expensive phone. You're all blind.