
Matt Dibble

Staff member
Did you guys read the article? It basically said it wouldn't work...
Edit: I hate sounding so for it. I'm really just looking for concrete evidence either for or against, everything ive read is personal stories and such.


tyler... random

matt, there is no concrete evidence as no one knows who makes this or where it is made, it is very new on the market and no true studies have been taken yet... so if I were you I would listen to the stories of people getting into comas, paralysis and such and realize that this shit is bad


well since i had to stop smoking bud to get a legit job. i tried it out. used it for like a month or so and never got sick off of it. on thing ppl dont know is that it is hellla more potent then bud is. so the saying alil goes a long way is true for this laced herbal incense.
the only wierd thing if you do to much you start to glitch or feeling of laggin like a video game.so dont ride while on this stuff. i did it and ended up no reacting fast enuf to dodge a skater and got 18 stitch on my lip and no need for blunts of this stuff. a joint will get 2 or more ppl high. and it cheaper then bud is and can last alot longer. unless your a crack head and always wants to be high.


6 bowls of k2 can kill you if it has jwh on it, Your lucky yours was without jwh, you would have gone into convulsions or seizures after the 3rd bowl

Matt Dibble

Staff member
6 bowls of k2 can kill you if it has jwh on it, Your lucky yours was without jwh, you would have gone into convulsions or seizures after the 3rd bowl

My friend lives in Louisiana and brought back a ton of the "herbal incense" that I know was just another copy of k2/spice whatever. We smoked it for like 3 days straight with no adverse effects whatsoever. I realize that says nothing about the long term, but forreal, saying someone WOULD have gone into convulsions or seizures after the 3rd bowl is completely retarded. Clearly, there is at least one case in which that didn't happen.


read the whole post -------- when 6 of your friends go to the er in 3 months because of Jwh then you can tell me what you want, but until then shut the fuck up

One of my close friends almost fucking died this week so dude... get the fuck off this thread

Consider yourself lucky that no one you know has been in the hospital because of this stuff

Matt Dibble

Staff member
read the whole post -------- when 6 of your friends go to the er in 3 months because of Jwh then you can tell me what you want, but until then shut the fuck up

That just doesn't make any sense. Until the same (as far as I know rare) situation happens to me I'm not allowed to speak? That is stupid. "Wait until you agree with me, but until then, don't speak!" Hahaha, for real?

The only point I made is calling you out on saying "definitely seizures" or whatever you said along those lines. Obviously, if every single person went into seizures from using this, there wouldn't be much debate.

So, in conclusion, we may have differing opinions, but neither of us have to shut the fuck up about them. This is the internet, deal.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'm gonna stay neutral on this one. Dibble's points are legit. Why shouldn't he talk? I am sorry about your friends Exist, but I have smoke 4 bowls of this in one night, no seizures, so your information is flawed. I don't really like this ----- but if other people want to use it, so be it, I would smoke weed over this any day.


I'm gonna stay neutral on this one. Dibble's points are legit. Why shouldn't he talk? I am sorry about your friends Exist, but I have smoke 4 bowls of this in one night, no seizures, so your information is flawed. I don't really like this ----- but if other people want to use it, so be it, I would smoke weed over this any day.

my info is flawed? Yeah thats why 6 people I know have been in the er, guess my eyes, phone, friends and the hospital were joking... shut the fuck up, and dibble seriously, you dont understand what this does to you, once you take 10 minutes of your time to look up information and once you realize that joking around about people in the hospital is wrong then come talk to me

basically when you call me wrong or shit I take it the same as if you went up to a cancer patient and laughed at them for being bald due to kemo, I never joke about things that have caused death or injury, mainly because if some one who was affected by it reads the post it just pisses them off or causes emotional issues