Stay Classy, Kotasports.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
the whole deal about the website, i competely agree with you that shit sucks. but if you personally knew him then you would realize he isnt a cocky little douche, he is actually really chill. and all of the bikers and skateboarders actually think he is really cool so your pretty wrong about putting the blame on kota for making our sport look childish. he helps our image a lot more than you think dumbass.

and technically he is the best rider in the world according to competitions, but comps arent everything...

yea cool, he's chill personally, but he's a douchebag in every other form of communication. he calls himself the best rider in the world on videos with hundreds of thousands of views (or lets his dad call him the best, doesnt matter) but you say he isnt cocky in real life... so he's 2 faced. unless you can think of another way he can be really chill and a cocky thief at the same time..

have you ever stopped to think.. maybe i don't care about what happens at your local? or what people at your local think? its about the way he makes our sport look to the other 300 million people in america, i don't care about what a few riders and skaters on the other side of the country think. he may help the image at your local, but not everywhere else. there are riders who don't ride your local every week. those riders don't give a damn about how he acts personally because we will never hang out with him personally.


yea cool, he's chill personally, but he's a douchebag in every other form of communication. he calls himself the best rider in the world on videos with hundreds of thousands of views (or lets his dad call him the best, doesnt matter) but you say he isnt cocky in real life... so he's 2 faced.

have you ever stopped to think.. maybe i don't care about what happens at your local? or what people at your local think? its about the way he makes our sport look to the other 300 million people in america, i don't care about what a few riders and skaters on the other side of the country think. he may help the image at your local, but not everywhere else. there are riders who don't ride your local every week "dumbass".

probably because he is the best, and did you know he travels around the world and only comes to my local maybe once or twice a month....dumbass.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
probably because he is the best, and did you know he travels around the world and only comes to my local maybe once or twice a month....dumbass.
i don't care where he goes, how often he rides your local, or what your opinion on good scooter riding is. he's stolen from hundreds of people and advertises himself as the best when a lot of people think his style is horrible, he's a cunt. he looks 12, he isnt going to make the image of scooters better by selling scooters named "awesome pro scooter" and implying that the best rider on the planet is a little pre-teen who uses bike bars. maybe if he stopped advertising scooters and himself the way he does and writes a letter to every little kid who never got their scooter apologizing and hooking them up with some free ----- then MAYBE i would have respect for him..

but i don't see why it's so hard to get it through your thick head that i don't give a flying sack of rainbow colored female goat testicles what you think about kota personally, he is factually a dick. and yes, i can say factually because it's proven. anyone who steals so badly someone has to take over their company, is a dick.

think about how many kids rode razor pros and didnt know anything about scooters, found one of kotas videos and ordered from them, then never got their scooters and ended up quitting... and you're telling me this kid does good things for the sport and he's chill? you are delusional.


nooooooooooooooooooooooooo your missing my point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im talking about his image to people who arent in our sport you fucking prick. the way bikers and skaters see him is so far off on how you THINK they view him and our sport. they obviously know NOTHING about how he jewed kids over so they just watch all the gnarly ass tricks he can do.

and i heard Kotasports was working on all the fucked up orders, any word on that?

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
nooooooooooooooooooooooooo your missing my point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im talking about his image to people who arent in our sport you fucking prick

and i heard Kotasports was working on all the fucked up orders, any word on that?

i heard your point, and your point is invalid. because your point was that he made the sport look good for your locals, not everyone else. i addressed your point and explained why you were wrong in the last post. please read it again and maybe you will understand.

he isnt going to make the image of scooters better by selling scooters named "awesome pro scooter" and implying that the best rider on the planet is a little pre-teen who uses bike bars.

if you disagree with this statement you have a very twisted sense of reality.


i heard your point, and your point is invalid. because your point was that he made the sport look good for your locals, not everyone else. i addressed your point and explained why you were wrong in the last post. please read it again and maybe you will understand.

if you disagree with this statement you have a very twisted sense of reality.

your such an idiot. im not talking about local scooter riders. im talking about bikers and skaters EVERYWHERE!

and when the hell did disagree about anything having to do with the company? the very first thing i said was that i agree that he fucked up

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
i never said you disagreed about the company.
your such an idiot. im not talking about local scooter riders. im talking about bikers and skaters EVERYWHERE!

REALLY? NO SHIT?! thats what ive been talking about for the past.. fuck.. like every post i made so far.
do you think bikers and skaters everywhere are going to watch kotas video and think "wow, a 12 year old scooter rider is the best in the world, plus his shop has the new "awesome competition complete".. and he uses mountain bike bars, man this sport is just the epitome of testosterone."
is that seriously what you think? and you're calling me an idiot?


why would a biker or skater even go on his website to look at scooters in the first place? all they know about him is what they see at the park.

thats why i assumed you were still only talking about scooter kids, cause i just cant see a skater going on his website just cause he wants to learn more about the sport that he probably talks shit about......

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
why would a biker or skater even go on his website to look at scooters in the first place? all they know about him is what they see at the park.

thats why i assumed you were still only talking about scooter kids....cause i just cant see a skater going on his website just cause he wants to learn more about the sport that he probably talks shit about?

"why would a biker or skater even go on his website to look at scooters in the first place?"
have you ever gone on a bike or skate website even if you don't bike or skate? i have. ive met skaters who actually knew what the parts on my scooter are called and said they check out scooter sites every now and again, whether or not they actually like scooters. hell ask rob one time some random skater came up to me and named the bars i was riding.
so out of curiosity, boredom, maybe even looking into it to find a cheap scooter to mess around with? theres a ton of reasons why they would check it out. so my point stands, kota isnt helping. he may be helping you sd riders, but he isnt helping the image of scooters for the rest of us.

and besides, even if they don't go on the site, they see a video with a little kid with a bunch of likes that claims its showing the best scooter rider in the world.. that alone enforces the sterotype that scooters are made for little kids. im not sure how you arent understanding this.


Steel Member
i never said you disagreed about the company.

REALLY? NO SHIT?! thats what ive been talking about for the past.. fuck.. like every post i made so far.
do you think bikers and skaters everywhere are going to watch kotas video and think "wow, a 12 year old scooter rider is the best in the world, plus his shop has the new "awesome competition complete".. and he uses mountain bike bars, man this sport is just the epitome of testosterone."
is that seriously what you think? and you're calling me an idiot?



"why would a biker or skater even go on his website to look at scooters in the first place?"
have you ever gone on a bike or skate website even if you don't bike or skate? i have. ive met skaters who actually knew what the parts on my scooter are called and said they check out scooter sites every now and again, whether or not they actually like scooters. hell ask rob one time some random skater came up to me and named the bars i was riding.
so out of curiosity, boredom, maybe even looking into it to find a cheap scooter to mess around with? theres a ton of reasons why they would check it out. so my point stands, kota isnt helping. he may be helping you sd riders, but he isnt helping the image of scooters for the rest of us.

and besides, even if they don't go on the site, they see a video with a little kid with a bunch of likes that claims its showing the best scooter rider in the world.. that alone enforces the sterotype that scooters are made for little kids. im not sure how you arent understanding this.

i have never met a skater or biker like that before. and im not talking about the internet, im talking about when people see him in real life


so are you talking about bikers and skaters everywhere, or just bikers and skaters at the skateparks he chooses to ride at? you contradicted yourself.

if you mean the ones at the skateparks he rides at, you're right, he probably does make us look good, but for the other couple million people in extreme sports that have never personally met him but know of him.. he isnt making a good impression. not sure which you're actually talking about because you claim to be talking about both.
read this again if you think he makes a good impression on the millions:
""wow, a 12 year old scooter rider is the best in the world, plus his shop has the new "awesome competition complete".. and he uses mountain bike bars, man this sport is just the epitome of testosterone.""

yes thats what i mean, BUT there is no way MILLIONS of people not involed with the sport can recognize him buy name alone

also i looked through some of the videos and i couldnt find a description where he says he is the best scooter rider in the world, so your just making shit up. unless you were just referencing the ONE quote his page replied to R-Dubya. and he is 15 or 16 now not 12. and if your gonna say ZOMGGGGG 15!!!! isnt tomk only like 16? less than a year difference isnt a lot at all

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
yes thats what i mean, BUT there is no way MILLIONS of people not involed with the sport can recognize him buy name alone

also i looked through some of the videos and i couldnt find a description where he says he is the best scooter rider in the world, so your just making shit up. unless you were just referencing the ONE quote his page replied to R-Dubya. and he is 15 or 16 now not 12. and if your gonna say ZOMGGGGG 15!!!! isnt tomk only like 16? less than a year difference isnt a lot at all

"BUT there is no way MILLIONS of people not involed with the sport can recognize him buy name alone"
ok, so some little nameless 12 year old kid is the best scooter rider in the world. it makes no difference.

"i couldnt find a description where he says he is the best scooter rider in the world"
i said it was on the page, never said description. and if i somehow slipped up and said "description" then my bad, but i dont think i did.

it's right here too.
"Dakota Schuetz the #1 ranked professional scooter rider in the world for 2011"

and tomk never said he was the best rider in the world, he also looks his age and has a really dope style, rides street and doesnt make our sport look like its for 5 year olds. and he is no where near as influential as kota.
kota: improving our sports image like no ones business.

you're fighting a lost cause.


BUT there is no way MILLIONS of people not involed with the sport can recognize him buy name alone"
ok, so some little nameless 12 year old kid is the best scooter rider in the world. it makes no difference.

he isnt 12

"i couldnt find a description where he says he is the best scooter rider in the world"
i said it was on the page, never said description. and if i somehow slipped up and said "description" then my bad, but i dont think i did.

it's right here too.
"Dakota Schuetz the #1 ranked professional scooter rider in the world for 2011"

i dont see a problem with that at all, its true. if you look at competition results he is obviously number one.

and tomk never said he was the best rider in the world, he also looks his age and has a really dope style, rides street and doesnt make our sport look like its for 5 year olds. and he is no where near as influential as kota.

i never said he said that, your typing words into my comment (or whatever you would call your mouth on the internet) i was just comparing age to prove he isnt some 12 year old kid anymore.
kota: improving our sports image like no ones business.

you're fighting a lost cause.

thats 3 years old now and if you look at the comments a lot of people actually enjoyed it. though i do understand its cheesy as fuck lol

if bikers and skaters are going to judge him based off of the videos he made over 3 years ago then thats not a fair judgement.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
if bikers and skaters are going to judge him based off of the videos he made over 3 years ago then thats not a fair judgement.
and guess what? they are. whether or not it's fair, it's reality.

"he isnt 12"
that wasnt my point. idgaf how old he is.

"i dont see a problem with that at all, its true. if you look at competition results he is obviously number one."

you have to be on serious crack if you can say he's better than ryan williams, matt mckeen, tbone ect.. he may know a bunch of tricks, but quality>quantity. he has no style. its just bland and boring.

you're missing the point completely, chill people don't steal from people who look up to them, and a 12 year old being the "best" doesnt make our sport look good. kota has probably forced kids to quit because he didnt ship parts out to them and they got over it (im SURE its happened).
kota is bad for the sport until his image grows up, until he stops calling himself (or letting others call him) the best, and until he apologizes and makes up for every single person he ripped off. personally. because a little kid isnt going to just start riding again because he got the parts he was waiting 2 years for. kota should be writing them all letters to say sorry and get them riding again if they quit. that would make me respect kota. until then, he doesnt deserve respect.

Sam Bennett

Silver Member
Kotas fucking queer. His fucking big headed by saying his the best scooter rider in the world. He has no style. He wears full pads and fucking gay ass helmets that all the fucking little kids wear

