"Street elitist."

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Staff member
Everyone seriously, it does not matter, at all, what we are labeled, just get over it and ride.
god damn


Steel Member
They land tricks badly. They film badly. They have constant games of SCOOT. And they are the most annoying people to deal with at the park cause they don't know shit about what they're doing.

How does that affect me? They have the nerve to talk shit on me and my hard work in the sense that they're BETTER.


this is like every 12 year old kid, except these ones are on scoots, a scooterer is a scooterer no matter how big or small or fucking annoying, respect what they do, you can dislike it, but dont be one of the million people who bitchh and moan about how there are little kids on scooters. at least their scootering.


Steel Member
Why am I even trying.

i find it ironic that your sig is fun, because your taking that exact thing out of scootering. i used to look up to you as a fantastic rider, almost a goal. know i find out your a fucking micro-managing duchebag, well there goes that. "ohh lets go ride how tyler wants us to ride" no. fuck you, i will ride how i like to, and if you dont like it you can piss on a hamster for all i damn care. i never thought i would say this to you man, but your kinda a dick, open up your mind man, and chill out and let people ride how they wanna, not how you want them to.

and sorry for dub post, i just needed to yell at this fool.
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