Tech share


Steel Member
Sorry to bump everyone, but a little help with bars to manual and 180 bars. I cam do 180 bars on banks but not to fakie - I just land on the brake. Thanks.


Steel Member
I was trying to learn bar catches, and can do them into tyre taps, but can't get them any other time. How would you recommend learning them?


Bronze member
practice doing it on a curb mate, throw and catch the bars until you get it as a muscle memory (both hands on grips). you either wanna be throwing or passing the bars.

Kieran Mayhew

practice doing it on a curb mate, throw and catch the bars until you get it as a muscle memory (both hands on grips). you either wanna be throwing or passing the bars.
wise words from the curb master ;)


Steel Member
I'm starting to get them now. I can spin the bars insanely fast for late bars, but doing them early to catch I can't get them nearly as fast.
Also what combos could I put fakie sliders into? I just learnt them today.

Riley Hughes

Steel Member
tom, practice nonstop while you're riding and do barspins wherever you can. it'll help you get them really dialed. try 180 fakie sliders, and try to fakie slider for as long as you can.

but seriously if you want to get barspins, do them off curbs, flat, up curbs, any time you fly out of anything do a barspin, when you step off your scooter spin the bars in your hands, it's pretty much repetition and muscle memory.


Tom, throw them right before you reach the peak of your hop. That's how I do them on my bike and scooter. It's much easier that way.


Steel Member
Doing it on a bike is very different , what you said is how you do it on a bmx as it is slightly harder to hop on a bike and takes more effort, so you throw the bars after the initial hop motion but for a scooter the best way is to throw your bars almost immediately

Scott Freibaum

Steel Member
I have already caught the bar before the peak of my jump. Scottering is a lot different then BMX. with scootering you do a lot more tricks in one air. Hence tech riding is born!


Steel Member
I know doing it on a bike is different, I can't ride bmx at all. Ive tried throwing it before the peak of my jump, but I just land earlier.


Steel Member
As soon as you hop you immediately throw if youve hopped hard enough it wont affect the height atall if u bar straight away


Bronze member
I need tips how to do manual to 360... I can do easily manual to 180 on flat, boxes and stuff even with long manual but if try 360 it just spins like little bit over 180... Where it is easiest to practise?


Bronze member
I need tips how to do manual to 360... I can do easily manual to 180 on flat, boxes and stuff even with long manual but if try 360 it just spins like little bit over 180... Where it is easiest to practise?

on a small mannypad do it diagonaly and carve into the jump and turn your head and maybe pivot on the back wheel and clean it up


Steel Member
Did bar to feeble to 180 to fake slider today!

What sort of things should I learn next? I can 180 whip and bar, half cab whip, full cab, stuff like that.