Technical Difficulty


dans part was really nice smooth not forced at all

nate ur part i really liked it and the triple down 5 cought me off gaurd

spencer had alot of really good comobs like super good

and jordan ur part was just simply amazing

overall loved the vid


Steel Member
i dont really like just flat riding but there was some cool stuff in there. dont think it will be best video of 09' saying that would be a bold statement.

Michael Martinez

Michael Martinez
Robert monky said:
dans part was really nice smooth not forced at allnate ur part i really liked it and the triple down 5 cought me off gaurd

spencer had alot of really good comobs like super good

and jordan ur part was just simply amazing

overall loved the vid
positive feedback and i agree really smoth riding sick vid guys

Nate Grant

Steel Member
Sam.. said:
good shit from everyone, but some sketch shit

thats how we roll man! thanks

Robert monky said:
dans part was really nice smooth not forced at all

nate ur part i really liked it and the triple down 5 cought me off gaurd

spencer had alot of really good comobs like super good

and jordan ur part was just simply amazing

overall loved the vid

thanks bro, appreciate it

and matt i can't find you on facebook. you add me lol


good job guys
nates part fiucking raped. all the switch shit was crazy. but the negative of the video was the sketchness. if u guys get those tricks cleaner, it would have been even better. but great job!


Jordan said:
Nick Granger said:
i thought jordans part was really sick.

why dont you guys incorporate this style of riding into a skateparks or street spots though? doesnt flat just get boring riding the same flat road all the time?
i like how you say my part is the best when theres not a single street or park clip, then you go and tell us to ride park and street.

great logic bro.
haha you had the best part. period all your fakie stuff and all that was entetaining. Nates part was second. i watch it again to check the switch stuff. awsome. but the other guys just got sorta boring you know? like they did good tricks and all but flat tech riding cant keep an audience for so long.

i wasnt telling you to do anything btw. i was wondering why you guys dont ride park. it is a question. not a demand

Josh N.

Josh N
ha so i just got back form a friends house and before i even got out... i was like o remember jordan saying he was releasing this vid this week... went on to the vid section and saw that it was out and smiled

Dan... damnn dan haha thats all just so sick those body varial things look hard

nateeeeeee - switch!!! so sick. switch finger was sick. and that last clip... looked so sick

spencerr - i remember seeing some of your older videos and just thinking... yuckkyyyyyy. but yeah not any more. so nice and that last fakie to manual to whip....<3

Jordan - you leave me so speechless... k a few things. ha i saw you do that superman flat... and thought uhmm wut. i tried to do that and danngg thats so much harder then it looks and its really extended! and omg your truckdriver in fakie and 360 whip.... maybe not the cleanest but COME ON lemee see anyone do it clean.... decades in... THAT SICK. 900 cab... THATS SICKER. heelflip WTF.

okay what were these tricks

overall. amazing job on all parts. you guys have really influenced me and i hope you like my part in my upcoming video cause a part of it will be riding like this maybe not to this calibur tho


Steel Member
Nice video, the begining was a bit annoying though, i found it kinda boastful. Like, we know your creative, but if you had skateparks you'd be completely different riders. Anyway, loved Dan's part. He's a gnarly kid,


this is really hard to comment.
some tricks are really difficult like fakie nose manuals and fakie manuals and some scooterfakie combos. I appreciate that
But it's not a reason for every trick being sketchy or fakie looking like crap. You should do less trick but refilm it until they're really clean. And find some nice looking spots. everything but avoid the ugly garage or driveway. Even in your desert streets I think there are some better looking angles maybe where you don't see the trashcans and stuffs like that.
I comment on this because I often ride tech when I don't have enough time to move to some good spot or something.
anyway it was creative and everything else you said, and too boastful in my opinion.


that was just absolutely amazing. sit down and think for a second how rediculous some of those tricks and combos were.
that just raised the bar up 10 notches for tech riders.
sooooooo rad. <33333