Chase Marsh.
Bronze member
It wasn't directed to only you, it was to everyone referring to the whole tomK situation. I am going to drop this now because im sure Nooner doesn't want us argueing on his thread.
Dustin had a fall out with other staff, can we drop this whole "So and so shouldn't be a mod" bullshit. Discuss it amongst yourselves, but don't post it for everyone to see.wait... so nooner isn't a mod, but rob still is?
that makes me angry...
Question one: Why did god make women get angry when they bleed out their vaginias
Question two: Why is everyone bitching about Tom, he jumped a large stair set, he didnt wear a helmet, its in the past and from what I have heard he is better now. The past is the Past and no one should be giving any shit to someone who went harder than most people on this forum ever will. So I guess the real question is: Are the members talking shit due to Jealously or something else?
sorry to answer this but because hes a total dick to everyone lately
should i even bother with weed or is it not that big of a deal?