The Ask Dustin Nooner Anything Thread

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Trainer - Your a sick kid dude your the homie but i know your deff a dick to people haha. you got alot of karma comin your way lol. Its just life tho.

Nick - Some people are just like that dude,no worries your having fun thats all you need to care about.

Nerd - I guess they made Lucky wheels or something and Eagle doesnt want someone ont he team repping other peoples wheels. If they are gonna give free stuff out its to represent.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Yea dude. lol Hey Im still getting karma too. I was such ahuge prick and someitmes still am. But no worries yours will end soon lol. Mines gonna be done in about a year or so. lol

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Mark - Blow up there emails and phones so they have no choice but to respond lol. im tlaking 100's of times.

Spicy - Well id totally do this for you spicy..but my son just pooped. sooo im gonna go change his diaper lol.