The Ask Dustin Nooner Anything Thread

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
RAD I think will Make them. TSI does them to I think?? Im not sure so dont qoute me on that one haha.

Spicy I know you wanna bang your HardLine Team MANAGER but you cant sorry.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Riley - because scooter kids are gay lol I always thought I was tight for it too hahaah.

David - Spoiled people usually have bad attitudes haha.

alec logan

Bronze member
214-404-5875, blow this shit up please, he's the biggest dick ever, he treats his girlfriend like shitt and does some bad shit to her. dont snitch on me though<3. love you:D

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
David - no cause theres a good chance you will look stupid with them. Few people can pull them off. I probbaly couldnt hahaha. I wouldnt man but 100 dolla is 100 dolla..think about it :) haah

Alec..How old is he? Im not about to call some 12 year old and get charged for harrassment to a minor lol.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Ben. I guess I kinda am. You dont know them. and honestly if you gave him a chance youd like him. They have givin me scooters to keep me riding for...going on 3 years now. Just to keep me riding. Why? because I have ALWAYS been nice to Dakota. Twan, John and I taught the little man how to scoot when he was like 10 or 11. You shouldnt judge just by what people tell you. people have their own reasons they dont like people but Im sorry you dont know him or any truth behind them. Youve only heard lies. They fly me to comps, come down and kick it and ride with me all the time. Pays me a little bit. They are a really nice family. I love them like my own family. They are super chill man I wish people would get to know the kid before you guys judge him.

Alec - Nah thats illegal.


BST Moderator
Staff member
Ben. I guess I kinda am. You dont know them. and honestly if you gave him a chance youd like him. They have givin me scooters to keep me riding for...going on 3 years now. Just to keep me riding. Why? because I have ALWAYS been nice to Dakota. Twan, John and I taught the little man how to scoot when he was like 10 or 11. You shouldnt judge just by what people tell you. people have their own reasons they dont like people but Im sorry you dont know him or any truth behind them. Youve only heard lies. They fly me to comps, come down and kick it and ride with me all the time. Pays me a little bit. They are a really nice family. I love them like my own family. They are super chill man I wish people would get to know the kid before you guys judge him.

Alec - Nah thats illegal.

erm ok...well first of all I've had my own experiences with Gary, i really don't need to listen to other people.

seems that what they are doing for you is useful, didnt think it went back that far haha