The Ask Dustin Nooner Anything Thread

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Kodye - yes :) and we love u too!

Ryan - commen sence man, smaller something is,,itll go thru a whole alot easier then a big nuggy haha.

Parrish - nah actually I thought I would but its so much more relaxed not having to enforce rules all the time ha.

JChon - nahh hes a pretty cool dude sometimes.

Zach - threadless ICS<33 and Ryan is just a damn cool nukk! I have a feeling Ryan posted that lol.

Brent - infact..I do! the pizza flavored ones are bomb lol.


Steel Member
hey did you know that we have little microscopic bugs all over our skin and we shed 1 million skin flakes an hour but you cant see them.?

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
jdoggy - yea and we also eat like 8 bugs a night. spiders..ew hahah

Parrish - idk i think its kinda lame and makes scooters look gayer BUT on the other hand, skaters do random shit like that so it makes it kinda cool that its not like a little kid thing you know? hah


Steel Member
we eat bugs at night wtf !?!?!?
oh well i just said that one because i watched a vid in biology and i just wish i didnt have skin now lol


Steel Member
haha why did i forgot to log off at ryans house and he post questions that he knows that are not true ?

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
brian - if i dont fly, yes :)

zach - cause you guys are good ily guys hahah

jake - what size?

jchon - i met him a few years back at Real Ride, hahah it was almost 5 years ago lol.