The Ask Dustin Nooner Anything Thread

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
I was on that team awhile ago. and EVERYONE got ANYTHING they wanted for free. Even people that wernt ont hat team. And I promoted and endorced the shit out of them for putting me ont he team. But James decided to make em pay for bars. I decided wlel fine whatever Ijust need osme bars. I paid him money alot, and i got the wrong size bars, took 3 months, kept asking me what size. and still wrong size. gave twana nd raymond like 40 wheels each. I get nothing. I got absoultly nothing from that them even when i endorced them like no other. But hey I mean if it takes going upside down and spinning a 180 to be on that team then I want nothing to do with that bullshit. I tried to be patient but i got screwed over bad. And thats not how you should be treated as a peron or a team member. it was played like favorites. And now they change stuff and its becoming a joke. and im exopected to be nice after i got dicked over jsut cause theres a new team manager or something? thats all bullshit. I will just no longer support someone who decided to single me out cause i dont flip or flair, and make a team member pay for products when others get them free. I just wont support that.

wow this was long lol.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Trainer - They look cool but not when it gets like moto cross and youHAVE to flip to be good.

Shaun - Riverside? where in Riverside?


hey spicy, lets start up a f@#k thread or something haa, and make it a poll of if we are the man (squared)