The Canadian Thread

Mikey G

Well shiz, my only riding friend just moved to Florida. I'm going to go slit my wrists for awhile.

jkjk. It still sucks.

Mikey G

double post but meh.

I'm upgrading from threaded to threadless soon, and i'm getting an SCS and QCS fork from QCS scooters.

I'm not very good with online buying and shiz, but from what i know is you buy it, then when it gets in my area they deliever onto my doorstep? Or do I have to go to the post office or something?

Victor C.

cool story bro.

if they ship with UPS, UPS usually delivers to your doorstep. if its not UPS, With an SCS and Fork, they might be able to fit it into the oversized box (assuming your mailbox has one) and then give you a key. otherwise, they just tell you "i haz ur forkx and $C$ come get it from postal off1ce"


Steel Member
theres always a ton of scooter kids at inflow just show up, most likely kyle will be there if he gets his fuzion soon haha