The Fight Thread.

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
just because someone trains in mma doesn't exactly mean there any good in a fight. but it is a definite advantage though haha.

seen that guy from the other weekend again on saturday night. he was giving me dirty looks and bumping into me all night, and hes being saying shit about my mother so i thought fuck it. id had enough so i walked past him and pushed him into a wall and walked off, then i was standing there chatting to his misses, he walked over, i just gave him the biggest right hand cross (my knuckles are fucked now), knocked him onto his back but he dragged me down by my shirt, i gave him a few more on the ground. but by that stage the bouncers had my by the throat and dragged me out of the club hahaha


got in a fight at school today. i lost, but it was a real cheap fight. the kid came up behind me while i was getting books out of my locker(so i had my hands full), told me to turn around and then cheap shotted me in the face while i was turning around. he started to walk away after that, so i chased him, swung once really hard and missed, swung again and hit him, after that he dropped down and tackled me, and then pulled my shirt over my head so i couldnt see, hit me a few times in the face then it got broken up. he doesnt hit very hard at all so i have no bruises or marks even. he fought like a coward. i hate when people dont man up and fight face to face.