The "I can't find something, I need you guys to help" thread.


Silver Member
i cant find that picture of a cat doing a turndown
hes in front of snow and its a red cat.

I seen that somewhere on SR the other day. I think it waz in someones sig...

EDIT: found it!



Bronze member
a while ago there was a sticky of sumthing along the lines of "videos u must watch" and it had a good handful of old school videos. or links to BLT1 and BLT2.

Jayden H.

Okay, so i'm looking for a picture, this picture contains a chess board, and all the pawns and pieces are fighting like a medieval war, It's a very sick picture, and i've been trying to find it for like 30 minutes and i'm getting fristrated! Help.


So im looking for 2 flassh games.number one is a game where you defend a downed helicopter and you can get upgrades etc.second is a game where your a giant worm eat people you get bigger...please help


Steel Member
There's a metal song that I'm trying to find. I've heard it before, and I'm pretty sure it's by Through The Eyes Of The Dead, but idk what the song name was and I don't have all of their albums.

But if anyones seen The Exorcist, then you'll remember the part where the possessed girl said "your mother sucks cocks in hell". Well the song I'm thinking of started off with that line from the movie. And I really wanna find that song.

EDIT: NVM! I found it. It was an I Declare War song called As They Burn Alive.
Not a song I reall like but it is stuck in my head and can't think of the artist, its goes like: 15 pleasure 50 percent pain and ahundred percent reason to remember the name, and it goes through the members and says stuff about them


Steel Member
Not a song I reall like but it is stuck in my head and can't think of the artist, its goes like: 15 pleasure 50 percent pain and ahundred percent reason to remember the name, and it goes through the members and says stuff about them

Where did you go- Fort Minor

Shitty song though


Steel Member
Does anyone remember when they used to have those scooter cross events? Like there would be a track set up with fly boxes and random ramps in it and like 5 people would race? Does anyone know where a video of that is?


Steel Member
ive been looking for this video for days now, its the MGP usa/west coast tour from 2010, not 2010. the one where ryan williams frontflips the boxjump at clairemont skatepark. please help?