tricks you've done once and you wish u could do it again


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
I havnt landed 360 bris, bri whip airs and triple whip airs for ages.
And i used to have dub whip flat.
And bri bank, i think its because of my steel strip reos.

brian amato

well you see, i did a buttercup.

then i went back and tried it for four hours next session.

and got blood blisters under my callusses.

and they popped.

and my callusses tore of.

then, and only then, did i stop. without landing it. but i don't care really now, it's kinda a trick no one likes anyway.

Jacob D.

doubles flat (hoping to regain them when i get my district deck), truckdrivers over sets (I still get them sometimes but not as consistent)